Dance with us
Soon Registering!*
Summer & Fall, 2025
Camps/intensives & 2025-26 dance session
*Summer & Fall registration Opens Soon
Class Schedule by Location
*Best viewed on a computer
How to Register & Pay
Use the Registration Portal (LOGIN/PAY) to:
- Create parent profile
- Register student(s)
- Enroll for classes
- Make payments
Step one:
- New students must email us via our Contact Form to set up a trial placement class
- Please state student’s name, age, birthday, and years of dance experience
Step two:
- We will email you to help you set up an account on our LOGIN/PAY portal, choose the appropriate try out class, and pay the $35 try-out fee
- Please have your student try out within 30 days of payment; no refunds available
- After your try-out, we will contact you with your dancer’s placement, and how to register for your classes
Step three:
- Sign in to the LOGIN/PAY portal to enroll and pay for your classes
- Agree to Rachel’s Ballet Terms & Policies
- Read and sign 2024-25 Student & Parent Code of Conduct Form
- Refer to Parent Hub for information throughout the year
Step four:
- Purchase ballet uniform after placement is confirmed
Steps for Registration System: May 2024
New Users
- LOGIN/PAY page:
- Select: “Register Your Account” (blue text at bottom)
- Choose email address (one you will check; this email will be used for all communication)
- Check email for access code (also check SPAM folder)
- Use access code to be directed to User Profile
User Profile Page
- Create password and User Profile for main Parent/Guardian contact
- Click “Register Account” to move to Manage Students page
Manage Students:
- Click “Create” and fill out Student Profile
- If you have other students to register, repeat this step
- Click the “Enroll” button on the blue sidebar to view class choices
Request Tryout (for all students NEW to Rachel’s Ballet)
- New students must tryout for a class so we can advise placement
- Choose class from dropdown and click Tryout button
- Proceed to Payment/Account Balance page to pay the tryout fee
- Note student (name at top of screen) to be enrolled
- Select Term (Fall or Summer) and note classes are shown at the preferred studio location.
- Select classes and payment plan from dropdown menus, and click ADD
- Classes show in “Shopping Cart” below. To change or edit a class, put in “trash” and choose again.
- Review classes and payments in Class Fee Summary
- Click “Enroll Classes” to confirm choices
- After Terms of Agreement/Photo policy are confirmed, move to Payment/Account Balance Page
Payment/Account Balance
- Account Balance will be for student name shown at top of screen
- Click “Make Payment” at top right
- You will be directed to ConvergePay to make a secure credit card payment
- Note: payments are made for one student at a time
Enrolled Classes
- Here you can review chosen classes for a selected student, including days and times.
- Note that being “enrolled” means we are holding your place; payment must be received before attending.
- All returning families can use their same account set up from the previous school year – go to LOGIN/PAY
- Review Rachel’s Ballet Terms & Policies
- Please read and sign 2024-25 Code of Conduct Form
- Refer to Parent Hub for information throughout the year
- Purchase ballet uniform once class placement is confirmed. See Uniform and Handbook.
Manage Students
1. Use Manage Students section to switch between different students to view/modify/pay
Enrolling/Enrolled Classes/Student Profile:
- Go to “Manage students” page and select or change student.
- Click Enroll button and add classes for selected student
Account Balance/Payment:
After paying for first student, you will need to return to the Registration Portal to pay for the next student. Separate payments are needed for proper accounting.
1. Go to “Manage students” page and check the appropriate student
2. Return to Payment/Account Balance page to make another payment through ConvergePay
Uniform and Handbook
Rachel’s Ballet has a required uniform for the classroom and Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) examination. Colors correlate with grade levels. Please purchase all uniform items at the beginning of the school year, and no substitutions without prior approval.
Character skirts must be custom ordered using the link under the Character Uniform tab.
Class Uniform Info
View PDF Rachel’s Ballet Uniform
Purchase most uniform items online at
- Mirella colored leotards, Freed socks, ballet shoes, and all other uniform items (except character skirts) are available at Dance Supplies.
- If preferred, a few items (e.g. ballet shoes, tights, nude leotard) may be purchased at Contra Costa Dancewear (NOT Target or Walmart).
- Character skirts, character shoes, and demi pointe shoes should be purchased with the guidance of your Rachel’s Ballet teacher. Check with your teacher before ordering! Character Skirt order form linked in Grade 1-8 button below.
Contra Costa Dancewear:
675 Ygnacio Valley Rd | Suite B 104 | Walnut Creek, CA 94596 | 925-932-9660 |
- Store carries Bloch brand ballet slippers, nude Capezio camisole leotards, and Capezio tights.
- Please call ahead to check colors/sizes, and inform the Contra Costa Dancewear salesperson that your student attends Rachel’s Ballet.
- Character Skirt (girls) – custom order via link RB Character Skirt*
- Character Shoes (girls & boys) – available online at
- Please read all details below before ordering skirt or shoes!

In addition to the regular class uniform, Grade 1-Grade 5 students also need the Character Uniform.
The RB character skirts have five ribbon colors: white, sherbet, copen, grape & azalea.
SKIRTS: Our character skirts are custom made by Brenda, and take several weeks to arrive.
They are a black circle skirt with multiple ribbon strands sewn parallel to the hem. Grade 1 students and up will require a character skirt.
Skirt measurements are done by parents, and APPROVED by the teacher before orders are placed.
Order here: RB Character Skirt*
SHOES: Girls in Grades 1-5 require Character Shoes; Boys in Grades 1-5 require Jazz Shoes
Character shoes are ordered separately through Dance Supplies, and should arrive first. Students need to order shoes right away so they can begin wearing them in class.
Double check that you are buying the correct shoe / heel before placing an order!
You may purchase the shoes online at
- Girls & Women: All shoes are Black Canvas with Pink Elastics. Heel size is either LOW or CUBAN. Double check heel height before ordering!
- Grade 1 and Grade 2: LOW HEEL
- Grade 3 and Above: CUBAN HEEL
- Boys & Men: Black Jazz Shoes
Costume Sizing Chart
We order costumes for all students for our Annual Showcase. The following chart will help determine the correct size. Please remember to allow room to grow as the Showcase is in May.
Students need to come to class with their hair properly groomed. Hair should be tightly secured and styled away from the face. In ballet classes, females should have a neat ballet bun. Also please use clips and bobby pins to hold back wisps from the face.
See more info in PDF: Hair Grooming for Females and Males
YouTube Bun Videos (this is not our school, but Rachel’s Ballet likes a similar bun):
- Short hair:
- Long Hair:
Student Handbook
Student Code of Conduct 2024-25
Please link to Google Form to acknowledge and sign
It is our goal that dance be a wonderful experience. Please review, discuss as a family, and sign the information below. We hope this will help provide a positive experience, and clear expectations, for both you and your child.
The art of dance requires trust, teamwork, and cooperation. When you sign up to be part of our dance family, both parents and students agree to follow the rules of S.P.A.R.C.:
- Supportive (of self / your student, other classmates and the school)
- Prepared (with proper hair, clean uniform, any needed equipment)
- Attitude (be positive; have a good work ethic in class)
- Respectful (to teachers, other students, parents, and studio property)
- Consistent (class attendance; arrive early; pick up on-time)
Rachel’s Ballet communication is done primarily by email* and our website . Please check your email regularly for updates and important information.
Parents and students: please email if you are going to be absent or late. (At the teacher’s discretion, late students may not be admitted to class).
* If you do not receive email communication during the first month, please check your spam folder and/or contact us if needed. Our website has general school updates, but information specific to classes is primarily provided by email.
Use of Lobby & Class Observation
Please use the lobby for student drop off and pick up only. Parents should wait outside the building during class in order to minimize lobby congestion, as well as for the health and safety of our students.
Only water is allowed in the studios. Non-messy snacks may be eaten in the lobby. Please clean up after yourself.
Parents may request a class observation (from outside the classroom) from time to time.
Suggestions for Younger Children
- Arrive early (5-10 minutes)
- Take care of bathroom needs before class
- Parents stay close if your child needs assistance with the bathroom
- Make sure your child is not hungry or thirsty
- Children are to remain quiet and respectful in the lobby
- Be available to pick up your child 5 minutes before class ends
- Encourage your child to share what they have learned in class!
Please link to Google Form to acknowledge and sign.
Comments, praise, or questions? Contact
Be On Time / Attendance
Attending on a regular basis and arriving on time are crucial for a successful experience. Please attend all your classes and be on time. If you come late, please wait until the music has stopped or there is a break before entering to minimize disturbance to the class. Proper warm up is required before joining the rest of the class.
Children & Belongings Should Not Be Left Unattended*
Child safety is of the highest importance. We ask that parents pick up their children promptly after class so they are not left unattended in the waiting area. All of the student’s belongings should be taken into the studio area with them during class. The waiting area is unattended and Rachel’s Ballet is not responsible for any losses while at the studio.
*At the discretion of Rachel’s Ballet and/or the class teacher, we may assess a fee for late pick-ups if it interferes with the next class or the teacher’s ability to lock up. The fee will be charged at a rate of $1.00 per minute, after a 5-minute grace period.
Absences / Make Up Classes
Absences: No credit or refund is given for illness, trips out of town, or other absences. Please see the “Make-Up Classes” below.
Make-up Classes: Students must email Rachel at least two days in advance of attending a make-up class. Students can make-up classes missed as available at both locations, but only for the SAME grade level or below. Students who are 9 years or older may attend a Contemporary or Lyrical class as a make-up class. Make-up classes may be taken BEFORE or AFTER an absence, but must be within the same school term as the absence. (For example, you cannot make-up a Summer Session absence during the Fall/Spring School Year. Summer make-up classes can be taken in either Summer Session 1 or Summer Session 2.) It is the student/parent’s responsibility to schedule make-up classes for absences.
Good Hygiene
The student’s appearance in class must be neat and clean at all times. This includes having proper hair for class (ballet bun). Students are expected to observe good personal hygiene habits.
Dancewear is to be kept in good repair and laundered on a regular basis. Ballet sweaters and leg warmers are permitted for the warm up section of the class only (pending the season). Jackets, sweat pants/shirts and plastic pants/shorts may not be worn during any portion of the ballet class, as this makes it difficult to observe posture and teach correct body placement.
Jewelry is not to be worn during class unless it is mandatory for medical reasons. Small earring studs are fine at your own discretion, but no long earrings, bracelets or necklaces will be permitted. Jewelry worn this way can be a safety hazard to your child and the other children in the class.
Please refer to our RAD Exam page for information about exam entries, what to expect during exams, and an explanation of exam scoring.