RAD Exams
Royal Academy of Dance
RAD Exam info
common Exam questions
RAD offers several types of examinations. All of the exam options are to accommodate children and growing bodies at all stages. There is no “best” exam, but rather variations dependent on the stage the dancer is at when entered. Regardless of which exam is selected, everyone is included and learns to their fullest potential.
Per RAD guidelines, no parents are allowed to observe or be present in the room for the examinations.
- View PDF about RAD assessments, reports, and awards.
- Watch this short video to see a typical RAD exam, and learn about the benefits and significance of exams.
Examination Formats
Preparing for Exams
The following is general information only: All current students should check the PARENT HUB for specific Mock and Exam details, dates, and times.
RAD Exam Results
RAD Ballet exams are the hardest in their field and as such are extremely highly respected. They also become more difficult to pass as students advance through the levels. We are very proud of our students for succeeding in these challenging and demanding exams.
The RAD’s mark-scheme has been created to actually allow for all achievements to be recognized. As such, the RAD examiners are rightly tough, which is integral to the respect shown to them and their exams; they don’t give “Distinctions” easily. Passing and Merit are wonderful achievements in themselves and must be celebrated.
Please CLICK HERE to read a PDF about RAD results explained in detail.
Royal Academy of Dance Medals